Certificate revocation : Why browsers remain affected by Heartbleed | Netcraft

jeudi 8 mai 2014
par  clx_asso_fr (@clx_asso)
popularité : 1%

Certificate revocation : Why browsers remain affected by Heartbleed | Netcraft

More than 80,000 SSL certificates were revoked in the week following the publication of the Heartbleed bug, but the certificate revocation mechanisms used by major browsers could still leave Internet users vulnerable to impersonation attacks. Little has changed since Netcraft last reported on certificate revocation behaviour.
Why is revocation necessary ?

The Heartbleed bug made it possible for remote attackers to steal private keys from vulnerable servers. Most web server access logs are unlikely to show any evidence of such a compromise, and so certificates used on previously-vulnerable web servers should be replaced without delay.

However, even if the certificate is replaced, the secure site could still be vulnerable. If the pre-Heartbleed certificate had been compromised, it will remain usable by an attacker until its natural expiry date, which could be years away. A correctly positioned attacker, with knowledge of the old certificate’s private key and the ability to intercept a victim’s internet traffic, can use the old certificate to impersonate the target site.

Certificate authorities can curtail the lifetime of the compromised certificate by revoking the certificate. In principle, a revoked certificate should not be trusted by browsers, which would protect users from misuse of the certificate. The realities of revocation behaviour in browsers, however, could leave some internet users vulnerable to attack with compromised certificates.

The Heartbleed bug is currently the largest cause of certificate revocations, but other reasons for revoking certificates can include the use of weak signature algorithms, fraudulent issuance, or otherwise breaching the requirements laid out by the CA/Browser Forum.












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